Air Traffic Shutdown Study


  1. Air Traffic Denisty.
  2. News articles and related publications.
  3. Satellite Contrail Imagery.

1. Air Traffic Denisty:

  1. Hourly flight traffic on 09/03 (normal). (GIF animation)
  2. Hourly flight traffic on 09/11 (suspended). (GIF animation)
  3. Number of flights above 25,000 ft, 10 September 2001.

2. News articles and related publications:

  1. Minnis, P., L. Nguyen, D. P. Duda and R. Palikonda, 2002: " Spreading of isolated contrails during the 2001 air traffic shutdown ". Proc. 10th Conference on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology, Portland, OR, May13-16, 2002.
  2. Cover of AVRAMS Conference Proceedings.
  3. The Weather Channel segment on contrails. (Windows Media Player needed)
  4. October 30, 2001 NY Times article on post-Septmber 11th contrail studies.
  5. December 6, 2001 DIE ZEIT article on contrail (in german).
  6. May 27, 2002 US News & World Report article on contrails.
  7. September 17, 2002 NY Times article on post-Septmber 11th contrail studies.

3. Satellite Contrail Imagery:

This page last modified on 30 Sep, 2002